Flexible Noise Barrier

Flexible Noise Barrier Wholesale Flexible Road Barrier Flexible Barriers

Wholesale Flexible Road Barrier Flexible Barriers | Flexible Noise Screen Factory Flexible Noise Barriers Flexible Road Barriers

SKU: Flexible Noise Barrier

Flexible Noise Barrier

The flexible noise barriers are flexible enough to be used in various places, such as buildings construction site. Our flexible barriers are very suitable for use in construction and demolition sites to prevent road noise, music events and entertainment venues.

Construction noise

Install our flexible noise screen on the fence or scaffolding of the construction site to prevent construction machinery noise from spreading to the street from your construction site.

Event noise

Noise complaints in music events or stage events are very common. We can provide solutions for this. Our flexible noise barrier is lightweight, waterproof, portable and easy to install. Stop live music and unnecessary noise from large crowds.

Railway noise

Railway maintenance work is very noisy. Flexible road barriers provide an ideal solution for our temporary noise fence solutions for railway projects to reduce inconvenient noise.
Flexible Noise Screen Factory Flexible Noise Barriers Flexible Road Barriers

Flexible Noise Barrier FAQ

Can the flexible road barrier system be replaced if damaged or removed?
Yes. Should any of the sound components be damaged by outside sources, they can easily be replaced by removing damaged panels and replacing them with new ones. Also, the entire flexible noise barrier can be disassembled and removed should that ever be desired.

How long will the flexible noise screen system last?
There are flexible noise barriers that have been in the field as long as the company has been in existence. That are still performing acoustically, so it would be safe to say that they come with a long life.

What kind of noise reduction can I expect with the flexible noise barrier system?
The insulated tarpaulins are considered to be one of the best-performing outdoor noise barriers in the world. Generally speaking, It will provide 15-27 dBA reductions from one side of the barrier to the other in commercial applications. Since there are many mitigating factors that influence attenuation performance in outdoor applications, however, exact performance is difficult to predict. If you need to meet specific dBA levels, we suggest you contact an local acoustical engineer since they are trained to make such predictions.